In life, we enter heaven through the gate of death, and must pay right on the spot—but you do not want to. This refusal to “pay-in” is the cause of pain in all its forms. Conquer pain through your power to achieve, knowing there is sunshine after every rainy day. See it as a process you are going through. When you do not latch onto maya or pain, you descend from the heights to renew, nurture yourself and bloom again, and experience Infinity as you again ascend. Slowly and gradually the psyche uplifts you to the heights and you are in bliss. Pain is a vehicle to achieve that. Pain is as powerful a part of life as ecstasy is. Love is expansion and fear is contraction. Both these forces create barriers. Love in its finite expression is a dead end—maya, the world. Love must be mixed with Infinity before you can reach ecstasy.

Course curriculum

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    Saturday Morning Class

    • Pain and Ecstasy – Triangle of Knowledge